Saturday, April 12, 2014

Fruits Rouges (trial 2) and euro-adaptaions

 Figure 1. products of Fruits Rouges Scones Trial 2.

Today I conducted my second trial of the fruits rouges scones recipe. I also made a chocolate chip scone "control" batch to help demonstrate what variables are may be due to our European context (quality of ingredients, conversion error switching from Fahrenheit to Celsius) versus the intrinsic nature of fruits rouges.

Trial 1 of fruits rouges (red fruit) scones yielded blog-like scones. My hypothesis is that it is a byproduct of the fruits added water content. If so further testing and research will be needed to properly adjust the recipe.

Trial 2
Variables used:

  • 1 cup, not the 1.5 cups of trial 1, fruits rouges was defrosted and drained before being added to scones
  • Chocolate chip "control group" scones were also baked. See figure 2.

Fruits rouges scones were less purple and "blob-like" than trial 1, though still somewhat "blob-ish". The reduction, defrosting, and draining all had positive effect upon the scone outcome. Using only 1 cup of fruits rouges made the scones less "tangy". 

The control group turned out as desired (see figure 2.), seeming to demonstrate that "blob-like-ness" is an effect of the fruits rouges and not our European setting.

Overall Trial 2 was an improvement upon Trial 1.

I have also provided a few conversions in my scones recipe for use in a European setting so you don't have to (really it's so I don't have to keep doing it every time)

1/2 C butter is 113 grams
400oF is approx 204oC (200oC if your oven is as non-precise as mine)

Original recipe here

figure 2.  Chocolate chip "control group" scones